QUESTION: Job satisfaction makes a person happier. Fact: Happiness comes from within; sometimes, the most challenging Job cannot make a person happy. Job satisfaction is Important for a person …
QUESTION: Career growth is all about moving up in the organization hierarchy. FACT: One can slip into a lower position and it may not harm your career growth. A …
QUESTION: There are many seniors in the team and I will not be promoted quickly. REALITY: The focus should be on learning from seniors before seeking a transfer to …
QUESTION: Those who get breaks early will rise to the top early. FACT: To reach a top position quickly, one needs to acquire Skills quickly and show an ability …
QUESTION: The manager has sabotaged my career. REALITY: It is your career; you let it happen. It’s common to hear employees complain that they had done everything right for …
QUESTION: I need a godfather for my career advancement. FACT: A godfather helps, but mentors at various stages of your career can be of more help. Many folks …
QUESTION: I should hold on to this job as I am peaking in my career. Fact: You can become too expensive and may be replaced. Sometimes, a person …
QUESTION: I am critical to my company, therefore I am secure in my job. FACT: The company is finding alternatives to reduce such dependency; moreover, time may render your …
QUESTION: It is better to tag along with the manager when he moves to another company. FACT: That’s okay if it Is in line with your career plan; otherwise, …
QUESTION: My work will speak for itself. FACT: That is provided you have made the effort to draw attention to your work; or if you have built for yourself …