QUESTION: I have resigned, but my manager is Creating trouble In relieving me. FACT: Your manager might be trying out various options in order to retain you or hire …
QUESTION: Lots of rumours are going around, but the management is not clearing the air. REALITY: The management is not in the business of reacting to each rumour, unless …
QUESTION: I was interviewed for a particular project, but after joining, I was assigned another. FACT: The project to which you’ve been assigned has been accorded a higher priority; …
QUESTION: HR and Finance pose obstacles on approval, even though the manager has approved it. FACT: HR and Finance arc simply providing additional checks in line with the company …
QUESTION: The company is not fair and is not consistent in applying policies. FACT: Policies are not clearly defined and management discretion is used frequently. It is impossible for …
QUESTION: I have already rejected a job offer from them in the past; it Is unwise to approach them again for a job. FACT: The company will be …
QUESTION: As a new employee, I find cliques in the project team and I am confused about choosing one. FACT: it is better to remain neutral in general …
QUESTION: The company listens only to those who threaten to leave. FACT: There’s no guarantee that such threats work. A few people use the quit’ threat as a …
QUESTION: I am confused as I take directions from multiple supervisors. FACT: One should learn to live in a matrix organization. As you move up the career ladder, you …
QUESTION: I feel like a second-class citizen on this project. FACT: This might be a case of a bad work culture; or it could be that you are not …