QUESTION: My colleagues do not listen to me because of their ego; they would if I were their manager. REALITY: This could be about your Communication style; or the manager might …
QUESTION: It is better to hide information from colleagues in order to have an edge over them. FACT: This will be counterproductive for the company. Some people think …
QUESTION: My manager is asking me probing questions because my colleague been bad-mouthing me. FACT: Your communication with your manager is not adequate. People are puzzled and get …
Question: My colleague misguided me on a new opportunity and then went on to grab it. Fact: You weren’t sure, and so did not sign up. Many good peer-level …
QUESTION: One of my colleagues is bullying me and our manager listens to him more than to me. REALTY: You are subject to bullying because of your lack …
Question: My colleagues have stolen my idea and presented it as their own. FACT: You have not projected the idea as your own to the management. ‘I was surprised …
QUESTION: I have spent a good number of years with them, but the company is not rewarding me adequately. FACT: You might be forgotten soon if you are …
QUESTION: The company is not doing well; is this a good time to quit? FACT: There is no good or bad time to quit a company. There are multiple …
QUESTION: I should stick to my decision, otherwise I will appear weak. FACT: You should be flexible In changing a decision based on the merit of the case. This …
QUESTION: I want to start my own company so that I do not have to be answerable to anyone. REALITY: Each person, even the boss, is answerable to someone. …