QUESTION: I want a transfer from my team, but my manager is blocking it. REALTY: Your future boss should be applying pressure to rope you in, if you are …
QUESTION: My manager has put the blame solely on me for the failure of the Project, even though he was equally responsible. REALTY: You do not have the right …
MYTH : My manager micromanages me. REALTY: That may be his management style; or you are not providing correct and timely reports. Employees get frustrated when their manager continually …
MYTH: My manager tries to play down my achievements. FACT: Either the manager is feeling threatened or he wants to give due credit to the others involved. People …
QUESTION: I am being denied good work, while others keep getting challenging work. FACT: You have not yet proved to your manager that he can confidently assign you such …
QUESTION: One who complains can get more attention from the manager. FACT: Excessive complaining makes you a whiner, and you won’t be taken seriously. Complainers, no doubt, get …
QUESTION: My manager does not praise my work, he keeps finding faults. FACT: The manager might have a very high bar of expectations. Everyone likes accolades, especially from the …
QUESTION: My manager prefers my colleague over me in difficult situations. FACT: Your colleague might be a better troubleshooter or he might be a ‘go-getter’. Troubleshooting skills are much …
QUESTION: Every manager has his own set of favorites. REALITY: Managers depend upon these ‘favorites’ due to their unique skill sets. Frequently, managers are accused of indulging in favoritism. …
QUESTION: Having good family ties with subordinates helps a manager form a better team. FACT: Family ties will be put to the test when a decision adversely impacts …