QUESTION: Climbing the management ladder is easy. FACT: It is easier to climb the technical ladder because it is not so tightly coupled with the organization’s growth and team …
QUESTION: My manager says ‘yes to every request from his boss, and puts pressure on the team. REALITY: Either the manager is not …
MYTH: We worked as a team, but only one person got the award. REALITY: The manager has judged an individual’s contribution as being significantly better than that of …
QUESTION: I will not be Impacted by my manager’s standing in the company if I continue to do my work well. FACT: The manager’s image and his relationship with …
QUESTION: There is no point in giving any suggestions to managers as they always stick to their own decision. FACT: Most of the time, managers might already have the …
MYTH: I have been humiliated by mi manager in public. REALITY: The manager might have be n provoked; or he is the kind who doesn’t follow the ‘respect the …
MYTH: A manager should be transparent in providing the reason behind the sudden exit of a coworker. FACT: There could be some sensitive information involved and so it cannot …
QUESTION: My manager will be unhappy if I discuss issues with his boss. REALITY: There is nothing wrong in this provided you keep your manager in the loop. ‘Skip-level’ …
MYTH: I have said ‘no’ to my manager for an additional responsibility as it’s unchallenged. REALITY: If you do not provide the right reason, the manager will think that …
QUESTION: I have become a pawn in my manager’s games. REALITY: If you are convinced you are doing the right thing, then you should have no fear. As one …