Dress Let us now consider another crucial area about which candidates are generally very concerned but are hesitant to make enquiries and, that is, how to dress for an …
MYTH: My personal life is being impacted due to work pressure. REALTY: The person should learn to deal with office issues only at work. Often, it’s the company …
MYTH: I must appear stressed in order to demonstrate that I am critical for the company. REALTY: Stress is not the same as being busy. Taking work to …
MYTH: I get stressed at work. REALITY: The feeling of not doing well or not completing the job on time is causing the stress, and not the work itself. …
MYTH: ‘I will get back to you with an answer,’ the manager tells the employee. REALITY: One will get an answer only if one insists on a timeline. …
MYTH: Time was not sufficient to complete the work. REALTY: No work can take infinite time. It often happens that when work does not get completed in the …
MYTH: As I have just joined the company, I have time to prove myself. REALTY: Time to prove yourself reduces as you climb the career ladder. Some people treat …
MYTH: Time will solve the problem. REALTY: Most of the problems will remain unsolved, and questions will be asked about your decision-making skills. Procrastinators prefer to leave a problem …
QUESTION: There is still time to complete the Job. REALTY: Surprises can occur any time, which can delay the work. There’s a wise adage that says it’s better to …
MYTH: Communicating in the native language will help the project. REALTY: It might hinder, team relationships for those who do not understand the language. Most non-English-speaking persons feel more …