MYTH: As I have just joined the company, I have time to prove myself. REALTY: Time to prove yourself reduces as you climb the career ladder. Some people treat …
MYTH: Time will solve the problem. REALTY: Most of the problems will remain unsolved, and questions will be asked about your decision-making skills. Procrastinators prefer to leave a problem …
QUESTION: There is still time to complete the Job. REALTY: Surprises can occur any time, which can delay the work. There’s a wise adage that says it’s better to …
MYTH: Communicating in the native language will help the project. REALTY: It might hinder, team relationships for those who do not understand the language. Most non-English-speaking persons feel more …
MYTH : I have completed my work, but my manager is still asking probing questions. REALTY: The word ‘complete’ means different things to different people. Statements, such as, ‘I …
QUESTION: Why do we have to take conference calls or travel for work-related matters during important religious festivals while offices in other parts of the world shut down for …
MYTH : The email should have been sent directly to me; why have they copied It to others? REALTY: They wanted to keep all in the loop; or they …
QUESTION: The team does not seem to be interested in having a good working relationship. REALTY: It might not see the benefits of a strong working relationship. In one’s …
QUESTION: I am not able to team with him. FACT: He, too, might think the same way. Sometimes, a person feels helpless while trying to team up with …
Myth: Management positions are socially more acceptable. Realty: Technical people are more easily employable. In some geographies, including India, occupying a management position is a status symbol. Some people …