Do you know anyone who works for us? Answer: Be careful how you answer this question if you do have friends in the office. Is your friend well regarded …
What is your experience in this field? Job applicants with years of diverse and relevant experience will have no problem answering the question. But what do you say if …
Where do you see yourself in five or ten years from now? Think carefully about your plans. The interviewer is looking to find out a few things with this …
Why should the company hire you? While answering this question, You should focus on providing reasons to hire you over someone else in the best way you can. …
How do you handle stress/pressure? The interviewer wants to know how well you handle pressure and stress. Give a positive answer, along with a real world example of how …
Why do you want to leave your current job? Stay positive regardless of the circumstances. Never refer to a major problem with management and never speak ill of supervisors, …
Why can you contribute to our company? Don’t search for an answers if this in any browser or App…. just say what you feel and make it sincere. Tell …
What are your weaknesses? Never say you are a Workaholic, a Perfectionist, etc. because it sounds negative. Try to convert these negative biased qualities into positive ones. For your …
What are your strengths? Your strengths are a mixture of your talents, knowledge and skills. Write a positive statement on a paper that you can say with confidence: “My …
Why do you want to work in our company? You have 2 main objectives in answering this question. You need to convince the employer that you like the company …