Promote your site Every time you post, every time you make a change, every time you change a period to an exclamation mark or correct “teh” to “the,” let …
Sign up for Google AdSense AdSense will place ads for goods and services that are relevant to your site’s visitors, based on the content of your site. You get …
Keep it fresh Don’t post one or two articles and call it a day. Remember that this is your income stream we’re talking about developing, so think of it …
Build your site Using the templates provided, or a site of your own design (or from a designer), put together your website. What you do will be based almost …
Secure a domain In the halcyon days of the early 21st century, you could create a business name, and find a domain to match. These days, it’s virtually impossible. …
Find a market To generate the most traffic, and thus the most revenue, be selective in your target market. While every demographic has its strong points and weak …
Define your goal In order to attract any investors (in the form of advertisers) you must have a place for them to sell their wares. Attracting advertisers must be …
Create Free Website and Earn Money Creating a website can be lots of fun. If you do it properly, you can even use it to earn money. This will …
What do you believe is the best way to take decisions, independently or by seeking guidance? Answer: Sample Answer: “It depends on the circumstances. There are times …
Can you elaborate about the decisions you reach quickly and the ones you take more time? “Quick decisions are usually taken in emergency situations, when you have to act …