QUESTION: My subordinate is making me unpopular In the company.
FACT: People might trust the subordinate more than they trust you.
There are unpleasant-situations where a subordinate, being ‘Unhappy with his manager, starts to bad-mouth him both :,.within and outside the team. While everyone is free to voice opinions, such opinions are unhealthy. for a . company. This sort of negativity gives the manager in question sleepless nights, not because: of his unpopularity, but because he’s not in. a position to provide his side of the story.
A manager should feel concerned about such a situation and try his best to resolve the issue. He should start with a few questions to himself: Do people trust me more or my subordinate? What image have I built until now? Have other team members had similar experiences? These questions will enable the manager to take corrective action if the situation so warrants; they will also help him to deal with a similar problem in future. If the manager is convinced that the problem lies solely with the subordinate, then he must talk to him directly or involve HR. There’s a chance of the subordinate’s denying that he had made any such comments; he might also get upset. But as a manager, you. have to deal with the situation upfront and not delay a solution, The subordinate will appreciate the fact that nothing has been done behind his back. And if he realizes his fault, he will be careful in future and not repeat it.
Managers should have zero tolerance-level for back-handed communications, If there is an issue, they must get the employee to communicate it directly to them. But if the environment is such that the employee feels awkward about doing so, then there is a bigger trust issue to be addressed. Managers must take the time to build up team trust; then it becomes easier to handle complaints about themselves. A strong and well-respected manager will hardly face such a situation, as he’s equipped with great communication and people-management skills. If a manager is faced with the situation of an employee making snide remarks about him, he 7. has to see to it that he builds up a work atmosphere where, information is disseminated transparently. That will go a long way in giving himself a clean image, and once he has gained a good reputation, even if one or two people try to tarnish It, they will not succeed easily.
WHAT CAN YOU DO? Be more connected with your team members. Build your image as a dependable, honest and transparent manager. You can do It by providing the right information and acting upon your words. You should be approachable, and there should be no so-called distance between you and your team. These things will help you to build trust, and once trust is built, even if a few people try to spread something negative against you, others will have difficulty digesting it and it won’t stick.