Make Money Online by “Send out greeting cards on others behalf for a fee”
Many people like to surprise their close friends and relatives by sending out an unexpected greeting card.
However, since people are more pressed for time than ever now, the number of physical cards sent has reduced, while the number of digital cards has increased.
You can offer to send physical cards for people on their behalf so that they can still provide the fun gift of giving a physical, tangible card without having to worry about going to the card store and the post office.
Just ask people for what type of card they would like, and then the type of message. You can handwrite the message in for a nice homemade feel.
You can buy the cards and mail them out on their behalf, spreading joy for everyone.
In order for you to make money with sending out greeting cards, here are some steps you can take:
➢ Create a website for yourself.
➢ Tell your friends and family about your new services.
➢ Advertise in websites or forums, social networks, amongst friends, or via other traffic methods.
How much money can I make?
➢ To make this worth your while, you really need to get a lot of customers and do this in bulk. If you bought a $3 card and a stamp, you’d make $2.xx if you charged $6 per card. Obviously the more you charge, the more you make. When you start getting a lot of customers, this can be lucrative and fun for you.