Do you know you wasted your 1 year and why you didn’t get success yet?
Actually, you people wasted your a lot of time on Fiverr, Youtube, Blogging, SEO CPA, etc etc , as you only learned them but got nothing, before implementing properly give up and moved from one field to another, you gave 3-4 moths to fiverr, 3-4 months to youtube and now you will give 4-5 months to SEO. or on the next to something else.
Instead, if you had give all those months to only Fiverr, or only YouTube or only SEO or anything else, you would get something.
Time is so precious but we’re wasting and we’re responsible for it.
Select one and stick to it
Who knows me they know that I also moved from here to there I know I shouldn’t do like that but for me it was finding the field of my interest, I earned good over Fiverr and YouTube, I didn’t give up from there. But you gave up and moved on other method.
Think deeply, what do you want, how do you want, when do you want, what you will hav to do, but after all go with one field and don’t move from that unless you get success,
Don’t waste your next time.
Just see, you give 1 year to many fields but if you will give 1 year to one thing, like 1 year to YouTube or SEO or develop any of the Skill .You will able to focus on that.properly if not next year then year after next year will be bright because you put efforts, you planted a tree, give it water properly and allow the sun rays to help it grows faster and wait for it to give you fruit of your efforts. Tree don’t grow up in seconds, some trees take months and some take years but you will get the same sweetness of your waiting time interval
Things take time so we should work for it and wait for a tree to give fruit rather than giving up and cut the tree before giving us fruit of our efforts and plant another tree.
If something don’t relate to you ignore such posts, article and forget watching a lot of movies, playing games, listening songs, watching matches. Make your time productive and seeds the start of your journey.
If you don’t understand what I am saying, read it after few years.
I appreciate how this blog promotes self-growth and personal development It’s important to continuously strive to become the best version of ourselves