Increase Pageviews and bounce rate of your blog website by using “Internal Linking” technique.

Internal linking in webpage

“Internal linking” is very important for blog type website. User usually came from search engine to your blog, for example if a user came to your blog by search of keyword “MBA question papers” he may be interested to other question papers also at this situation if you properly maintain your blog post internal linking your website will get more pageviews and internal linking also increase average time on website by a user. Today it is very difficult to maintain properly internal linking of your blog post, but if your website is on wordpress platform you can install some useful plugins for internal linking.

internallinkingsseoInternal linking will help you to involve your customers within the website. Internal linking will also help you to control the bounce rate as well. Not only does it make it much easier for your visitors to traverse around your site and find all of your content, but it also guarantees that your site gets properly crawled allowing the search engines to find all of your pages.

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