How to make money online by ”Create Android Web Application” complete guide to make money by internet with simple steps

Make Money Online by “Create or  Design Logo”

Time taken per order: five to ten minutes

Difficulty rating: not that hard

Gig name: I will create 3 outstanding logos for you for 5 dollars

This gig is a little harder, but people will be more likely to tip you if you put the effort in. As for the gig name, you’ll need to choose an amount of logos that you feel comfortable with (I started with 5 logos as it was the most on Fiverr on offer, yet I quickly realized it was too time consuming, so changed this to 3), and then choose a gig name that makes you stand out (As much as this is in demand, there are lots of people are doing this on Fiverr to compete with), try something specific like:

“I will create 3 web 2.0 logos for you for 5 dollars” or “I will create 3 wacky logos for you”

Another trick is to create more than one gig offering the same thing, why settle for narrowing your gig name down to one niche or title when you can have an unlimited amount ! (I’ll show you how to work around the Fiverr limitations later) With 5 gigs, you’ll not only have 5 times as more chance at catching a buyers eye, but you’ll have more chance of selling your gig and because all of your orders will be spread out, it will never look like you’ve got too many orders in your queue, so people won’t hesitate to buy from you!

Follow steps below :

Go to Google and search for good logo design software, I use AAAlogo

Now download a demo of this software (or a full version if it’s free) and start creating your logos! If you can’t afford a full version, why not just take a screenshot of the logo in a professional trial? Every computer has a print screen button, it’s time to start using it!

These pieces of software usually come preloaded with some great graphics and you should be able to learn (or at least fake) at least five dollars worth of graphics design skills within minutes of playing around. For more help, just Google “ [software name] tutorial”, or ask the buyer if they’ve seen any similar logos that you can use for inspiration (to copy off)

You should be able to get a tip for this; after all it’s worth more than five dollars! So remember to send your ‘tip footer message’, making any alterations specific to your buyer, and you should get at least 10 dollars for your logos

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